Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cosmetic Dentistry for Everyone from Dr. Patel

Cosmetic Dentistry is one of dentistry’s fastest growing areas, and for good reason. It is no longer just for high-profile personalities, people of all ages and careers are taking advantage of cosmetic dentistry now that it is more affordable than it was just a decade ago.

I am pleased to announce that 19th Street Dental can now help with the following dental problems:

Tooth Whitening

We offer several different options for whitening your teeth, depending on your time preference and budget:

• At-home custom Nite White tray application

• In-office Zoom! 1 hour power bleaching

Restoration of Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Teeth that are cracked, chipped or worn can be perfectly restored using ultra-thin veneers. The results are astonishing.

Restoration of Existing Metal Fillings

Old or unsightly fillings can be replaced with esthetic filling materials that are precisely matched to the color of your teeth.

Crooked or Crowded Teeth

Teeth that are crooked or crowded can often be corrected with cosmetic restorations and/or orthodontic Invisalign tooth movement. Invisalign is the clear alternative to braces.

Excessive or Uneven Gums

Through the use of cosmetic surgery, the gum lines around your teeth can be corrected, providing for a more even and pleasing smile.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can be replaced using fixed bridges or dental implants.

If you are interested in finding out more about any of these cosmetic procedures, give us a call at 19th Street Dental at (404)567-8900. We’ll be glad to set up a no-obligation consultation where we can discuss procedures that are best suited for you!