We hope you are not a part of the 51 percent of Americans who don’t floss every day. And we definitely hope you're not part of the 10 percent who never floss at all. Drs. Trushar Patel, Tammy Zeineddin, and our staff at 19th Street Dental will always tell you that proper flossing is just as important for your dental health as brushing regularly. Flossing, you see, cleans food and plaque that build up between teeth and below the gumline, key areas that brushing simply cannot reach.
Flossing 3-to-5 minutes each day is recommended, but even 60 seconds of flossing has a great benefit over not flossing at all. Also, make sure to always brush your teeth after you floss, and to rinse with water or mouthwash. When you begin flossing you may experience gum pain or bleeding, but with daily flossing and brushing this should stop within a week or so.
Lastly, has it been at least six months since your last checkup with 19th Street Dental? If the answer is yes, we encourage you to schedule an appointment!